Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sierra Club Alternatives

Lisa ... in addition to solar, I hope you have an open mind about other alternatives. I am passionate about deep geothermal. Much of the rest of the world is taking note of deep geo's potential for reducing GHGs while providing regional electricity. I just spoke to Nancy Pelosi last evening. She is a proponent because she knows that 25% of northern California's power comes from deep geo. Every airport and military base in the country could provide its own power, 24 hours a day and not emit a whit of carbon. We need a project in the Northeast to demonstrate that we can harness the unlimited energy beneath our feet. I propose we use Stewart Airport (and National Guard Airbase) as a demonstration site for a truly pollution-free, unlimited, 24-hour-per-day power plant. They're already out there, but the oil, gas, coal, nuclear -- and solar & wind -- industries poo poo the possibilities here because "it's too deep". Ask Chevron whether "it's too deep" to drill -- to any depth where there's oil.

see for references and further info.
Vane Lashua, 369 Main Street, #65, Beacon, NY 12508
845-337-9435 | |
Lisa Dix, Sierra Club wrote:

View a web version.

Dear Vane,
Tell Albany to Show Leadership for Solar Jobs in New York 
Take Action!
Send Your Letter
We have just days to make New York's solar energy potential become a reality!
Both Governor Cuomo and the legislature have proposed good solar energy policies but they only have until next week to come to agreement on the details. The solar energy policies, if made into law, could produce enough energy for 400,000 homes and create as many as 17,000 jobs in New York.1
We have only one week to ensure Albany passes strong solar energy policies. Let our elected officials know you want New York to be a solar energy leader!
Tell the legislature and Governor Cuomo to show leadership for strong solar energy policies that create jobs, stimulate the economy and protect our environment.
Replacing energy from dirty coal-fired power plants with solar energy is one of the best ways to protect our health from air pollution while strengthening the local economy.
We have a huge opportunity to move New York towards a clean energy future thanks to the  4,000 messages we've already send to Albany in support of  strong solar energy policies. Help get the job done!
Send a message to Albany and Governor Cuomo to support solar legislation that puts New Yorkers back to work and protects our environment.
Thanks for all you do to protect the environment,

Lisa Dix
Senior NY Beyond Coal Campaign Representative
Sierra Club

P.S. After you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends and colleagues!
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1.) Strong Solar Policy Would Boost NY Economy Clean Techies, 6/2012
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Sierra Club
85 Second St.
San Francisco, CA 94105

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