Friday, February 8, 2019

Vaccines cause autism

Re: "Vaccines cause autism":
US population: 1960, 183million; 2015, 316million. World population: 1960, 3billion; 2012, 7billion!! Is it appropriate to say vaccines are responsible for radical population growth?! Drug companies had no autism drugs to sell in 1960 ... now they have dozens!! Inflate The Rate, Bayer, Lilly, Pfizer, Roche, Novartis ... and sell more drugs!! More Autism! More Anxiety! More Depression! ... more drugs, more profit!! PS: every living entity on earth is a GMO. (Do us breeders select mates or go random?) (Do the strongest, most attractive, wealthiest, best educated, most alike select the strongest, most attractive, wealthiest, best educated, most alike? or not?)
We are the products of our lineage and choices, whether evolutionary, educational, locational, environmental or dietary--including consumption of food encouraged to change by "genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology". (Is food from a garden, a pasture or a cultivated farm field--as opposed to that hunted & gathered--considered GMO?)