Monday, February 26, 2018

Money Raising in the Political Age

The effort required to find or even to consider the facts behind issues and positions that we want to believe and those we oppose is beyond most of us most of the time. One of the most interesting to me, recently is the Trayvon Martin case. I was on 125th Street wearing my Trayvon hoodie with a few others right after the incident yet I had no more to go on than what I had seen on CNN, PBS Newshour, Rachel Maddow, WAMC (NEVER FOX for god's sake!). I still don't know and have no way of knowing (and I don't think many do) what "the facts" are. We watch the videos, we listen to the recordings of phone calls and police interviews, we acknowledge the circumstances, we listen to the trial testimony, AND we ignore what our American religion asks of us: presumption of innocence, trial by jury.

Likewise, the American religion tells us that we must protect our interests overseas. We have no "facts", no understanding of what our interests are or who creates and prioritizes the interests in the first place. Rarely do I, or, in my opinion of course, do most of us remember that most of our interests overseas have to do with the profit-driven rape of the planet, exploitation of power hungry and helpless populations and the financial interests of the 1% and the pitifully small, but highly touted  trickle down effects on our economy. Why do American interests take priority over any other state's? (Because I AM AN AMERICAN, dammit!)

And I guess we'll continue to ignore another of our American religious proclamations (smile, pat heart): The Four Freedoms*. And I quote, ".... That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb." Congressional Record, 1941.

The first is freedom of speech and expression -- everywhere in the world.

  • The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way -- everywhere in the world.

  • The third is freedom from want -- which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants -- everywhere in the world.

  • The fourth is freedom from fear -- which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor-- anywhere in the world.

  • 72 years and still counting tyrannical interventions, sniper teams and drones supporting our interests overseas ... I guess if we pay for them, we deserve them.

    May the wonder of existence, its precious web of life and our fragile humanity abide amongst, radiate from and bring us peace.

    Just in from dear friend, Lois:

    "Carl --Facing another critical end of month budget deadline and Kristin just called to say we are still short of what we need to compete. Favor? Can you please visit and donate before the big deadline tonight? Always, LJF

    Sent from my AT&T Blackberry

    Paid for by Lois Frankel for Congress

    This message was sent to: | We believe that emails are a
    crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters.
    Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages.

    Dearest Lois(for one), You send messages whose tone is intimate, yet you don't use or know my "intimate" name. It's not Carl, though Carl is my first name. That "sent from my blackberry" is ridiculous. Kristen? Who is my other dear friend, Kristen? Whose deadline? Critical?
    I hope you vote for campaign finance reform if you're elected. Always, CVL

    Amazingly coincidental
fortunesFriendship is kind and mindful knowing another; knowing how to share, to be critical and to take criticism with the desire to understand and be understood, not necessarily without hurt but without the intent to create change in the other for one's own benefit.

    Love is an unmeasured, unfettered, physically and emotionally unselfish affective bond with another. Desire and selfish needs may cloud but not break the bond

    Every word is too shallow.

    40 people every day are murdered in the US. Two young men with crude weapons focused the entire US on them and their activity. What about the other 37 people who were killed that day? Why are there centers of murder? The New York Times today pointed out that Chicago is still one of those centers. The motivation for the violence – whether a homicide with no "drama" or a "terrorist act"– is the real question.

    As Peggy Noonan pointed out this morning on Meet the Press, the media creates the hysteria that allows the media to reflect on the hysteria. What the media might better focus on are the root causes of these acts and their perpetrators. Poverty, hunger, lack of connection, educational disability and a tendency to ignore these root causes and react with "enforcement"or "defense" should be the real focus. "Combatting terrorism" is impossible.

    Out of 7 Billion of us on Earth, there are still only a few who are crazy enough to drive violence and war. If only one-tenth of one percent of us (1 of 1000) is crazy, there are 7 million crazies out there. In the US alone, that would be 300,000. The US has put over 2 million in jail ... lot of good that has done! And by the way, it's not "these days". It's been bred into you and me and is a Natural part of humanity. It's why and how we survived. We just have to learn how to cool it and use our intelligence intelligently or we'll just go extinct -- Naturally. The Earth and the universe don't care. They just keep on keepin' on, with us or without us.

    One issue with battery operated vehicles that sorely needs to be addressed is standardization. It will be a great day when a standard form-factor for auto batteries, their interconnection and their sockets, like A, AA, AAA, AAAA batteries, bbq propane tanks, Edison bulb sockets. Local "gas stations" might become battery recharge & interchange stations. Stop, take out the old, measure "maturity" (capacity to hold charge), measure maturity of new, insert, pay, and go. In addition, the oil companies might be able to develop a new revenue stream to replace oil/gas. The fill up would come from the power grid rather than the EIC.